A Legal Case Management System to Enhance Efficiency
 30th Dec 2021

The Commission is on course to complete and roll out a Legal Case Management System (LCMS). The system will automate and manage subsisting and dispensed court cases to improve efficiency and facilitate real-time access/retrieval of information, with a view of attaining efficiency in their management. The system has the capacity to track legal fee payment, settlement of costs and manage witness expenses.

To enhance its performance, the Commission organized a workshop on demonstration and testing of the system from 19 to 24 December 2021, where the users drawn from line directorates that will be using it trouble shot and tightened its capacity. Led by the Acting Director of Legal and Public Affairs, Chrispine Owiye, the participants undertook live demonstrations including mapping of users and allocation of roles and responsibilities.

Speaking at the workshop, Acting Deputy Commission Secretary, Obadiah Keitany, observed that the Commission is on track in not only digitizing its processes, but also improving service delivery in electoral processes. Mr. Keitany acknowledged that a lot of work had gone into developing and testing the system, and expressed confidence that it will go a long way in enhancing efficiency in how the Commission and other key stakeholders handle and manage court cases.

The system will be piloted in early January in readiness for full roll out.