
Accreditation of Observers and Media for Small Holder Tea Factory Elections

Uploaded on: Fri 14th Jun, 2024
No of downloads: 36
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Application for Accreditation as Election Observers, Voter Education Providers and Media for General Election activities

Uploaded on: Fri 4th Mar, 2022
No of downloads: 2407
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(Advert) Accreditation of Long-Term Observers and Voter Education

Uploaded on: Wed 27th Jan, 2021
No of downloads: 2248
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(Advert) Accreditation of Election Observers and Media for Signature Verification Exercise and Upcoming By-Election

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) plans to accredit Election Observers and Media for the Signature Verification Exercise and for the upcoming by- elections for Member of National Assembly for Matungu and Kabuchai, and Member of County Assembly Ward for Huruma, Hells Gate, London, Kiamokama and Kitise/Kithuku.
Uploaded on: Fri 18th Dec, 2020
No of downloads: 1098
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(Advert) Accreditation of Observers, Media and Voter Education Providers

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is in the process of accrediting Election Observers, Media and Voter Education Providers for Msambweni Constituency, Dabaso CAW (Kilifi North), Wundanyi/Mbale CAW (Wundanyi), Kahawa Wendani CAW (Ruiru), Lake View CAW (Naivasha), Kisumu North CAW (Kisumu West) and Gaturi CAW (Kiharu) By-elections to be held on Tuesday 15th December, 2020
Uploaded on: Mon 19th Oct, 2020
No of downloads: 502
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Application Form for Accreditation as an Election Observers

Uploaded on: Mon 19th Oct, 2020
No of downloads: 1109
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Application Form for Accreditation as a Voter Education Provider

Uploaded on: Mon 19th Oct, 2020
No of downloads: 677
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Accreditation of Observers and Media for the By-election of Dabaso County Assembly Ward Member, Kilifi County

Uploaded on: Fri 14th Feb, 2020
No of downloads: 78
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Accreditation of Observers And Media for the By-Elections of Batalu County Assembly Ward, Wajir County

Uploaded on: Fri 15th Nov, 2019
No of downloads: 45
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Accreditation of Observers and Media for the By-Elections of Kibra Constituency, Abakaile, Loiyangalani, Ganda and Mutonguni County Assembly Wards

Uploaded on: Tue 17th Sep, 2019
No of downloads: 76
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Accreditation of Observer and Media for Wajir West MNA By-election

Uploaded on: Wed 10th Apr, 2019
No of downloads: 42
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ADVERT: Accreditation of Observers and Media for the April 5th 2019 By-elections

Accreditation of Observers and Media for the By-Elections of Ugenya and Embakasi South Constituencies Member of National Assembly; and Lelan Member of County Assembly Ward
Uploaded on: Mon 18th Feb, 2019
No of downloads: 85
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Accreditation Form: Election Observer Group - Form IEBC-ACOB01

Request for Accreditation for Election Observer Group to Observe the Electoral Process
Uploaded on: Mon 18th Feb, 2019
No of downloads: 92
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Application Form: Accreditation as a Voter Education Provider

Uploaded on: Mon 18th Feb, 2019
No of downloads: 97
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ADVERT: Accreditation Voter Education Providers

All applicants should submit their accreditation application forms to the IEBC Headquarters, Anniversary Towers, 5th floor, Room 524 at 5.00 pm on Monday 4th March, 2019.
Uploaded on: Mon 18th Feb, 2019
No of downloads: 78
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