Commission joins other EMBs in continental workshop on strategic, crisis communication
 2nd Apr 2024

The Commission Secretary and CEO, Marjan Hussein Marjan led the IEBC team and made remarks during the opening ceremony of the Continental Workshop on Strategic and Crisis Communication for African Election Management Bodies (EMBs).

The continental workshop, organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in conjunction with African Union Commission (AUC), is being held in Nairobi bringing together representatives from over 40 African countries.

The workshop will enable EMBs to explore innovative pathways in the digital age for confronting an increasingly complex election management environment in Africa and ultimately build trust and inclusive electoral processes and outcomes in line with international and continental regional standards of democratic elections.

In his remarks, Marjan observed that most of the negative perceptions about EMBs are brought about by lack of continuous stakeholder engagements.

He emphasized on the need for EMBs to ensure stakeholders have access to information about each phase of the electoral process to create and reinforce public confidence in elections.